We direct 50% of our booking fees to a social project in the place you visit.

  • ...

    Acri, IT

B&B Al tetto rosso

  • Private room, Bed & Breakfast
  • 2 guests
  • 0 bedroom
  • Shared Bathroom


Incastonato tra i monti e dirimpetto allo scintillio delle acque marine, il B&B Al tetto rosso, si trova nella lussureggiante campagna acrese in provincia di Cosenza, e qui che ristorerete la vostra anima godendo della tranquillit dei monti e dello splendido sole del mare calabrese . ..come un tempo abbiamo voluto mantener vive la familiarit, e le tradizioni adibendo la nostra casa a B&B e accogliendo al nostro focolare tutti coloro che lo desiderano. Siamo in una semplice casa di campagna, disposta su due livelli. Il pian terreno che rimane la dimora natia della famiglia Spezzano, si affaccia su unampio giardino messo anche a disposizione degli ospiti

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Accommodation details

  • Hairdryer
  • Wi-Fi

Cancellation policy


> If you cancel the booking 7 days before scheduled check-in or earlier, you get 100% of your paid rental fee back and 100% from the platform and project fee.

> If you cancel the booking 6 days before scheduled check-in or later, you get 50% of your paid rental fee back and 0% from the platform and project fee.

Check-in and Rules

  • timer

About the Host

host-img spezzano elena
spezzano elena
Host lives in different building in the neighbourhood

Member since14/11/2019



Not set

Explore the community project we Support



Certified listings comply with all the mandatory rules of our platform. Such rules can include, but are not limited to, compliance with local regulations set by public authorities and with additional rules set by the local node or the platform.

ECDSA Signatures

Local ambassador signature

Download Local Ambassador Public Key

Local authority signature

Not available Download Local Authority Public Key


Certificate is store in sawtooth Blockchain

Certificate hash:

Sawtooth ID:




  • Rental service (1 NIGHT) € 70,00
  • Cleaning fees € 0,00


  • Platform Fee € 5,25
  • Amount donated to project € 5,25
  • Total to be paid € 80,50
2 guests maximum.
Price per night extra guest above 2 guests: € 0,00